Raw meat and fish can be deadly poison for cats: vets explain why

If your cat is begging for a piece of your lunch, it's worth considering before sharing your own food.
Veterinarians point out that not all the foods we eat are safe for cats. Specialists helped to understand what you can share with your furry friend, and what food is better not to risk.
Earlier: How to choose the right wet food for your cat: experts gave tips
What can cats eat?
- Cooked meat: beef, turkey, chicken. Meat should be thoroughly cooked without bones and skin.
- Boiled fish: tuna. Fish should also be thoroughly cooked without bones.
- Whole grains: oats, corn, brown rice, couscous. These foods are rich in protein, which is essential for cats.
- Boiled eggs are a source of amino acids and protein, so they will be a healthy treat for your cat.
- Vegetables: cucumber, broccoli (steamed), carrots, asparagus, peas. Vegetables offer many vitamins, fiber, and water that are good for cats.
- Fruits: bananas, blueberries, melon, watermelon (seedless), apples (seedless), pumpkin. Fruits contain potassium, fiber, vitamins A and C, and are low in calories.
Experts note: meat and fish should be thoroughly cooked. Remove bones from meat and fish. Do not feed your cat raw eggs. Some cats may not like vegetables and fruits.
What should not be given to cats?
Dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, yogurt. These products can cause diarrhea in cats.
Chocolate: dark chocolate is particularly dangerous. Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to cats.
Nuts: macadamia nuts, walnuts. Nuts can be harmful to cats because they are hard to digest.
Grapes and raisins: can cause kidney failure in cats.
Coffee, tea, caffeine: can lead to agitation, tremors and arrhythmias in cats.
Onions, garlic, leeks, chives: can cause anemia in cats.
Xylitol: candy, peanut butter, chewing gum. Xylitol can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) in cats.
Coconut milk: can cause diarrhea in cats.
Alcohol: can cause poisoning in cats.
Seeds: can be harmful to cats because they can clog the intestines.
Raw meat and fish: may contain bacteria that can make cats sick.
Boiled bones: can damage a cat's teeth and digestive tract.
Raw bread dough: can rise in a cat's stomach and cause breathing problems.
Previously, we reported how often you should feed your cat.
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