
On the verge of extinction: top of the rarest dog breeds

Maria Tsikhotska

On the verge of extinction: top of the rarest dog breeds
On the verge of extinction: top of the rarest dog breeds

Many dog breeds are familiar even to those who are not avid animal lovers. However, there are a few breeds that are mostly known to true enthusiasts or those who are interested in the history of canine science.

In total, there are about 400 dog breeds in the world. Among the most popular are the German Shepherd, which often serves in the police and army, or the Belgian Malinois, which is famous for its intelligence and is used in the search for explosives and drugs. Others, such as the French Bulldog or the Pomeranian Spitz, are currently at their peak of popularity. And some, such as Pekingese, have gradually gone out of fashion and remained only among connoisseurs. Petplan writes about this.

However, there are breeds that even experienced dog owners have hardly heard of. Their history goes back more than a century, but these unique dogs have survived only thanks to the efforts of caring people. Petplan tells you about five of these rare breeds.

Norwegian Lundehund

On the verge of extinction: top of the rarest dog breeds
Norwegian Lundehund. Source: Facebook Norwegian Lundehund kennel of Vorkosmia

This breed is considered one of the rarest in the world. It was bred on the coastal Norwegian islands to hunt puffins, birds that were an important source of food for the locals. The Lundehund has six toes on each front paw, an incredibly flexible neck, and movable ears that can completely cover the ear canal. The structure of their jaws resembles that of ancient Varangian dogs that lived about 5,000 years ago. During the Second World War, the Lundehund was on the verge of extinction, but was saved by Norwegian breeders. Today, it is an active, cheerful, and sociable dog that is perfect for families with an active lifestyle.

Lagotto Romagnolo

On the verge of extinction: top of the rarest dog breeds
Lagotto romagnolo. Source: American Kennel Club

An ancient Italian breed with a curly coat that once helped hunters in the marshes of Romagna hunt ducks. Lagotto, which means "duck dog," later gained a new specialization - searching for truffles. Their excellent sense of smell and endurance made them indispensable during the "silent hunt". In the 1970s, the breed was on the verge of extinction, but it was revived thanks to enthusiasts. The Lagotto Romagnolo is known for its docile nature, endurance, and playfulness.


On the verge of extinction: top of the rarest dog breeds
Azawak. Source: American Kennel Club


An elegant greyhound that was bred in the Sahel region of Africa. These dogs guarded the nomadic camps of the Tuareg and participated in hunting gazelles and jackals. Azawaks are guided by sight rather than smell, have a slender build, long legs, and endurance that allows them to cover long distances under the hot sun. They are called "free people's hounds." The breed appeared in the United States only in the 1980s.


On the verge of extinction: top of the rarest dog breeds
Otterhound. Source: American Kennel Club

This old British breed was bred to hunt otters that were damaging fishing gear. After the ban on such hunting, Otterhounds became rare, and now there are less than a thousand of them in the world. These are large hounds with a great sense of smell who love water and active walks. They are friendly and agile, although they are now on the verge of extinction.


On the verge of extinction: top of the rarest dog breeds
Moody. Source: American Kennel Club

A Hungarian breed that appeared in the nineteenth century as a result of natural crossbreeding between the Puma and the Kuli. These dogs have pointed ears, wavy hair, and are characterized by high intelligence and energy. Moodies are used for herding livestock and as guard dogs. Although their name echoes the word "moody," these dogs are cheerful, curious, and perfect for active owners. There are less than a thousand of this breed in the world.

These breeds are real treasures for dog connoisseurs and lovers, preserving their uniqueness and rich history.

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