
Today is the day of happiness. The recipe for happiness is very simple

Владимир СпиваковскийВладимир Спиваковский

Today is the day of happiness. The recipe for happiness is very simple
Today is the day of happiness. The recipe for happiness is very simple

Today is the Day of Happiness.

The recipe for happiness is simple.

1. You need to collect the quanta of happiness, one to one, like a puzzle. To do this, you need to write them down in a secret file so that no one sees them. And every day at night, you should read it over, rejoicing in what a wonderful day you have had.

As if it were money coming into your account. It doesn't matter where it comes from. The main thing is that they are there, these quanta of happiness, their number is added and pleases your eyes and soul.

2. You may ask: What are these magical quanta of happiness? The quanta of happiness are infinitely diverse:

I fell in love..., I received a prize..., I managed to pass my term paper..., I saved a person..., I gave a bouquet..., I received a long-awaited letter..., the electricity was turned on..., they are not bombing..., our troops are coming..., the boss praised..., the movie was good..., I got ahead of the competition..., I got the last dress in the store..., I gave birth to a child..., I found money..., I saw a solar eclipse..., I recovered........

The size and caliber of the event does not matter.

3. Why? Because despite the different caliber of such feelings of happiness, I equate each of them to one quantum of happiness, because the main thing is quantity, not scale.

Because you never know which small cog will spin your life up or down. Happiness is fleeting, unlike grief, which lasts a long time.

4. It is, of course, not very fair that everything in one basket of happiness is so different, but this is how the world works. That is why the quanta of happiness should be recorded immediately, making notches anywhere, and then in the evening transferring these notches to a secret notebook or a secret computer file.

No one should be allowed to look at them, because they are only your wealth and only your feelings.

5. I personally do this, having trained myself since childhood to count my victories and good fortune at night. And I never listen to those unfortunate psychologists who recommend dividing a letter vertically in half, writing something positive on the left and negative on the right, and weighing which will outweigh.

6. Do not weigh the negative. I tell everyone: count only your VICTORIES at night. You are a good person in general! And you should not focus on the fact that you were unlucky or failed in something, multiplying your problems and spoiling your mood.

7. Look! After all, when collecting photos in our album, we prefer to capture scenes of fun, vacation at sea, playing football, a beautiful hairstyle, saying "h-i-i-s" on purpose, depicting a happy face... and not scenes of sadness, grief, the consequences of an accident and hospital treatment.

8. When we draw images of our future life, our consciousness follows the same patterns. Everything good counts, nothing should be lost!

9. So, the formula is simple: record and write down your "pluses". This will be the mathematical addition of your total happiness. And there is no need to be ironic, because math is an exact science.

10. Life is measured not by the number of breaths, but by the moments when happiness took your breath away.