Why cats play with mice before killing them: the answer will surprise you

Cats are natural hunters, so their owners can often witness cats hunting birds and mice. Before killing the prey, cats may start playing with it.
Experts from AskMyCats explained that this "dying game" does not mean that the cat is cruel, but rather that their behavior is related to the instinct of self-preservation.
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"When hunting rodents, cats play with their prey to calm them down before delivering a fatal blow, which can be dangerous. Mice and rats will bite to stay alive. This can injure the cat and cause illness. Small animals get tired or hurt during such a "game". After that, the cat can calmly kill the victim and stop hunting," experts say.
How long do cats play with mice before killing them?
Some cats chase mice for fun, while others hunt for food. When a cat hears mice in the vicinity, they perk up their ears, and this anticipation can lead them to chase after prey. A cat that is only looking for fun is likely to prolong the whole process to play with the victim.
If your cat catches a mouse but doesn't kill it, it means that it is not interested in eating the mouse. Running while catching the mouse can be a good workout for the cat.
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"When a cat hunts on an empty stomach, it will look for a quick kill. This is done to save energy because there are no calories to burn. On the other hand, a full cat will chase a mouse for fun. This means that it will spend some time with the mouse before killing it. A hungry cat will try to eat as quickly as possible to conserve energy while getting food. When hunting mice, this can lead to an immediate kill," the report says.
If the cat is not hungry, it will play with the mouse for a long time.
How cats kill mice
Cats usually break a mouse's neck or spine. Usually there will be a few claw or tooth marks on a dead mouse or rat, and no blood.
Cats take the victim by the neck and shake or toss it in the air until the vertebrae in the neck split. When the spinal cord is severed, the nerve impulses do not go anywhere. The victim becomes a puppet.
Many cats can bite the base of the spine to paralyze but not kill their victims, causing internal bleeding and severe shock.
Cats usually deliver a fatal blow with their teeth. A strong cat bite will cut the spine of a rodent or bird. Due to this, the prey, which decided to fight back, will not have access to the predator's eyes or nose.
"Although rodents are tiny, they are fierce warriors. If a mouse is cornered and cannot escape, it will bite the pursuing cat. The cat will experience a lot of suffering if the bite is directed at the eyes or nose. Rodents have the potential to spread a variety of zoonotic diseases. These are diseases that can be transmitted from one animal to another. Your cat can get sick if bitten by a ferocious rodent. Some of these diseases are even fatal," the experts warned.
What it means when a cat brings a mouse
Some cats move away from the victim's body, leaving it in place. However, most cats perceive the corpse as a prize. Hunting is a physically demanding activity. Your cat will almost certainly want a memento of his efforts.
Many cats will give their kill to the owner as a gift. This means a compliment. The cat demonstrates that it can catch food if it thinks you are hungry. The cat is waiting to be praised for its hunting abilities. Even if you are not happy, encourage it.
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To satisfy the hunting impulse, a cat needs to play. The same reflexes are triggered when hunting in the wild and when chasing a laser pointer or a pen on a stick. The more you play these games, the less likely your cat is to attack natural prey.
Playing with mice before killing them looks like a happy act of cruelty to cats. It is important to keep in mind that this is not the case. Your cat is simply protecting itself and reacting instinctively. It is better to tame the prey before killing it than to give it a chance to react.
Earlier, we reported where cats that roam the streets on their own disappear.
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