
Cats roam the streets all day: where do they go?

Bylim Olena

Cats roam the streets all day: where do they go?
A cat on a walk. Source: Alex Bargain/pexels.com

Cat owners know that their pets prefer to spend more time outside. But what happens when they disappear for the whole day or even for several days?

AskMyCats experts say that cats are driven by instinct. Curiosity, hunting, or territorial tendencies are the most common reasons why a cat may disappear for several days. Then they need time to find their way home.

Why do cats disappear for several days?

Cats disappear and go missing for several days because they are curious about anything that catches their attention.

However, because of these peculiarities, cats can face many difficulties, such as disappearing or being separated from their owners for a long time, or even forever.

Experts note that it is useful for cats to spend time outside, but the territory should be secured. The main task of owners is to make it impossible for the animal to disappear.

"If cats get too busy, they may find themselves in an unfamiliar place and not be able to find their way home... Cats like to hunt because it is natural, but it is dangerous. They can fall from a broken tree branch while chasing a mouse, or fall into a deep hole. If this happens, your cat may end up in a trap or seriously injured, making it impossible for them to return home," the experts added.

It is noted that cats are voracious hunters, and various circumstances can lead to the fact that they hang around for several days.

Where to look for a cat that has "gone rogue"?

A cat will seek shelter from rain, snow, strong winds, or low temperatures in garages and sheds, as well as under or even inside cars.

Ask your neighbors if they have seen your cat. Possibly your cat may have ended up in their garage, car, or shed.

In winter, cats can get warm from car engines. Before you start the car, tap on the bumper and encourage your neighbors to do the same. Your cat may be sleeping in the hood or on one of the wheels.

Some cats also like to climb trees, and they may chase a squirrel or bird to a very high tree branch before realizing they are too high to get down.

It's worth going outside and checking to see if your cat is stuck in a tree if you live in a wooded area.

How long do cats wander and when to worry?

Cats wander for a maximum of 24 to 72 hours. In rare situations, cats can also return home after being lost for weeks or years. Missing cats can survive in the wild for long periods simply by hunting and looking for food.

Don't panic until your cat has been missing for more than 24 hours.

If the cat returns home, check for physical injuries and check its body for parasites.

How do I keep my cat from running away?

To prevent your cat from escaping, make sure that there is no easy way for it to get out of your house. Make sure all windows and doors are properly locked. Also, check your cat carefully when you enter and leave the house to make sure he doesn't run out.

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