Grease will not have a single chance: three easy ways to clean kitchen furniture

You may often notice a viscous fatty coating on kitchen surfaces. This can cause concern for housewives, especially if the stains look old, but in fact they can be cleaned effectively.
Use time-tested home remedies to get rid of stubborn stains in the kitchen. Fighting greasy marks can be a challenge, but with the help of proven methods prepared by the UAportal team, it is quite possible to achieve it.
Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage surfaces. Instead, try the old ways that our ancestors used.
Read also: How to reduce the amount of cleaning in the kitchen
Soap solution. Add some liquid soap to the warm water to create a lather. Dip a sponge in this solution, clean the surface of grease, and then wipe dry.
Soda solution. Dissolve baking soda in warm water and use an upholstery brush. Then wipe everything with a clean, damp cloth.
Vinegar solution. Dip a paper towel in diluted vinegar and wipe the greasy spots with it. Leave for 15 minutes for the vinegar to work, then wipe the surface with a sponge dipped in warm water.
These methods are not only effective and available but also do not require a lot of time for cleaning.
Previously, we talked about four simple tips on how to keep the kitchen clean.
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