Experts have named healthy and dangerous Christmas dinner dishes

Christmas time is approaching and with it comes a season of gourmet and delicious dishes. Despite the traditional abundance and caloric content of the Christmas table, scientists have noted that some dishes may be beneficial for cardiovascular health.
Although cholesterol is often perceived as bad for the body, it is important to distinguish between "good" and "bad" cholesterol. "Bad" cholesterol can lead to heart problems, whereas "good" cholesterol is good for heart health, writes IFLScience.
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Scientists point out that Christmas dishes such as turkey, salmon, chicken breast, Brussels sprouts and red cabbage contain niacin, a vitamin B3 that helps lower cholesterol. The study also confirms that these foods can improve the ratio of bad cholesterol to good cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart problems.
Regarding dessert choices, the researchers recommend choosing healthier options such as baked apples or pears, which help lower total cholesterol.
"Note that not all aspects of the Christmas table are healthy. Some desserts, such as mince pies and creamy dishes, can be high in calories and less heart-healthy. Smart consumption and moderation remain key aspects of staying healthy during the season of excessive pampering," the report said.
Experts added that while Christmas brings joy and festive cheer, it is important to remember to eat sensibly and live an active lifestyle to ensure long-term health.
Please note: This content is for informational purposes only and does not contain any medical advice. For medication, diagnoses and other medical advice, please consult your doctor.
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