You need to be on your guard! The worst month for all zodiac signs in 2024 has been named

Fate may be cruel, but it is always fair, astrologers claim. According to them, 2024 will bring some trials to the natives of the zodiac circle, but they will make them stronger. Read which month will prove to be the most difficult for you.
Aries - May
May in 2024 is the numerological number 4. It is characterized by patience, diligence and loyalty, and these are traits that are far from the personality of Aries. Therefore, this month he will be completely unable to orient himself in reality. He will have to work on himself.
Taurus - June
June 2024 is the numerological number 5. It is characterized by charisma, vigor and frivolity, which will not please the Taurus zodiac sign. He values stability, is more reserved and likes to follow a plan.
Gemini - September
September 2024 is the numerological number 8, which is characterized by aggressiveness and indomitable force. Creative, yet quiet and humble, Gemini can feel overwhelmed and completely detached from reality.
Cancer - December
December is a special month in 2024 because it is the numerological number 11, that is, the prime number. The name itself indicates that this is not numerology for Cancer, who is more of a homebody. He will be pressured by others and will be hiding in his shell all month long.
Leo - August
Though August is the season of Leo, it will be unfavorable for him in 2024. The numerological number 7 is characterized by reticence. The sociable, energetic and eccentric Leo will feel depressed because of this.
Virgo - April
April is the numerological number 3 in 2024. It is characterized by creativity and optimism, which should favor Virgo, but this year April will be an extremely unlucky and difficult month. All because of the accumulation of 4 in the date.
Libra - March
March 2024 is also the number 11. It will completely dominate Libra. The natives of the sign will face huge problems. It will be an extremely stressful month for them.
Scorpio - October
October 2024 is the numerological number 9, which is responsible for life's mission. This could become unbearable for Scorpio, who is quite selfish.
Sagittarius - January
Sagittarius will also face the numerological number 9 in 2024, January will be a challenge for them. This fiery zodiac sign will be happy to help others, to sit still he will not be able to and will bring problems on himself.
Capricorn - November
The numerological unit that is November 2024 is confident and firmly on its feet. What can not be said about Capricorn. This person has a difficult character, but he does not like to overstep the line. In November, his darker traits will show through.
Aquarius - July
July 2024 is the numerological number 6, which is family-oriented, which cannot be attributed to Aquarius. This zodiac sign thinks mostly of itself and feels best in small groups. Family and social events in general are not for him.
Pisces - February
February 2024 is also the numerological number 1. Pisces are quiet, sensitive and like to hover in the clouds. This month, they will have to come down to earth and face adversity. They will succeed only if they do not lose faith in themselves.
As UAportal previously reported, earlier astrologers named the colors of clothing that will attract good luck in life.
Also among all the natives of the zodiacal circle there are two with a tough character - they easily accept challenges and achieve what others can only dream of.