
How to start your morning right: 5 simple nutritious breakfast ideas

Maryna Gramovych

How to start your morning right: 5 simple nutritious breakfast ideas
Tips for preparing a nutritious breakfast. Source: Pexels

In the rush of our daily lives, we often neglect breakfast. However, it is important to pay special attention to this meal, as it provides us with the necessary energy and sets the tone for a productive day. UAportal has prepared five ideas that will help you ensure a proper and nutritious breakfast.

1. Scrambled eggs and avocado

For a nutritious and hearty breakfast, try eggs combined with avocado. This combination boosts your metabolism and supplies your body with healthy fats. You can add your favorite vegetables such as mushrooms, spinach and tomatoes to enhance the taste and nutritional value.

2. Homemade Muffins

To add a touch of sweetness to your morning routine, indulge in homemade muffins. Choose recipes that use oat flour and seasonal fruits or berries to make them healthier. By making them at home, you can be sure that they will be healthier for your body.

Read also: 5 non-basic seasonal salad recipes that will enrich your body with vitamins

3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a simple yet healthy option for a healthy breakfast. It provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety and is recommended for those who are engaged in fitness. Add yogurt or milk to it along with a dash of honey, fruits and nuts to make it even more nutritious.

4. Matcha

Matcha tea is known for its unique properties and its ability to promote calorie burning. Rich in antioxidants, it is a great choice to start the day. Enjoy a cup of matcha tea or create tempting matcha-based patches.

5. Classic Omelet

An omelet is a versatile option that is rich in protein. Although nutritionists recommend using two egg whites and one yolk, both components have nutritional value. Increase the protein content by adding chicken meat or shrimp.

We also advise you to pay attention to the recipe  for lazy dumplings in tomato juice.

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