This zodiac sign is the meanest: it knows how to hit others the hardest

Some people are characterized not just by a complex character, but by a whole set of negative qualities. They are very vindictive, mean-spirited and ready to go head over heels for the sake of their goals. According to astrologers, this is related to the sign of the zodiac.
There are people who do not care about the feelings of others. Often for the sake of their own satisfaction, they can ruin someone's mood and even make them cry. The most deceitful and meanest sign of the zodiac is unimaginably evil. He deliberately hurts those around him, just to feel powerful and decisive. This is about Scorpio.
For him, the most important thing is that he feels comfortable and good. Even a slight disturbance of his illusory reality can make him furious. Such people are almost always looking for revenge and the right moment to repay for the harm done to them. They are relentless and never give up.
People born between October 23 and November 22 like to shift responsibility and blame onto others. They are extremely dominant and tend to boss their loved ones around. Scorpios lose their temper easily and quickly succumb to negative emotions. They can hurt and take out negativity on others without giving it a second thought. Even if they have done nothing to them.
Scorpios are very proud and have a high opinion of themselves, as a result of which they are so sensitive to criticism. Their vindictiveness is also manifested in the fact that they are able to attack unexpectedly. A quarrel with a Scorpio can have tragic consequences.
As UAportal previously reported, earlier astrologers named the colors of clothing that will attract good luck in life.
Also, among all the natives of the zodiacal circle there are two with a tough character - they easily accept challenges and achieve what others can only dream of.