A thousand-year-old coin depicting Jesus has been found in Norway.

A hunter for valuable metals has discovered in the mountains in southern Norway a rare gold coin made in the Byzantine Empire a thousand years ago. The artifact itself dates back to the period between 977 and 1025 years and has an image of Jesus Christ on one side and two emperors of Byzantium - Basil II and Constantine VIII - on the other.
This is reported by Live Science.
On the coin was written in Latin and Greek: "Jesus Christ, King of Kings" and "Basil and Constantine, Emperors of the Romans". It is speculated that this rare find may be related to King Harald III of Norway, who ruled in Byzantium, or was part of the trade of the time.
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Historians speculate that Harald III, also a short-lived king of Denmark and Sweden, may have received this coin during his official visits, possibly as part of the dowry from his marriage to the daughter of Prince Yaroslav the Wise of Kievan Rus. Archaeologists plan to conduct further excavations at the site of the find to clarify the details.
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