Will definitely come true: how to make wishes on New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve is the time when we make wishes in the hope that they will come true. But to do this, you should follow certain rules that will increase the likelihood of the realization of your dreams.
TSN suggested a few methods:
The wish should be formulated exactly at midnight. Pre-prepare a written wish on a piece of paper, formulating it clearly and positively. For example, "To meet your favorite person" instead of "Not to remain lonely". At 00:00 say this wish.
Christmas tree
Grasp the top of a Christmas tree (regardless of whether it is live or artificial) and express your wish aloud. Lightly shake the tops from side to side and once again say your phrase about yourself.
You will need a clean plate, a candle and cold water. Light a candle, hold it over the plate and draw a wide cross with drops of wax. At the same time repeat your wish. Pour water to the edge, repeating the wish, and say "Our Father". Then hide the plate in a safe place. When the water dries, the wish will come true.
Read also: Specialists explained where in the house you can not put a Christmas tree: it will quickly dry up
Write a wish on a small piece of paper, then roll it four times. Light a candle and set the paper on fire. When it burns completely, dissolve the ashes in a champagne glass. At midnight, drink this drink to the bottom.
Recall, we have already written how to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year.
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