The cat eats cardboard: should we let him continue his "meal"

When your cat starts eating paper, it can be worrisome, but it's often a behavior that can be justified. However, there are times when this behavior can lead to serious problems and endanger your cat's health.
Experts from pawtracks told us what you should know about this phenomenon.
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Reasons why cats are interested in paper
Paper and cardboard can be extremely attractive to cats, especially kittens. They may like the texture of paper and cardboard, and tearing it up can be fun, especially for small cats and kittens.
In addition, paper and cardboard can make interesting sounds when your cat plays with them, which also attracts their attention.
Normal behavior or a problem?
In most cases, a cat can safely swallow some paper that it accidentally chews. However, if this behavior becomes systematic or the cat starts consuming significant amounts of paper, it may indicate a problem.
Large quantities of paper can lead to blockages in the digestive tract, which is dangerous for the cat's health. In addition, some paper products may contain harmful substances that can harm the animal's health.
Signs that your cat may be eating paper
If you notice that your cat is eating paper or cardboard on a regular basis, this may be a sign of an underlying problem. This can be triggered by stress, boredom, or even illness.
It is also important to consider the possibility of pica, a condition in which the animal begins to consume non-food items. This can be a serious problem that requires the attention of a veterinarian.
Helping your cat
If you notice that your cat is starting to consume paper, you should first contact your veterinarian for an examination. If there are no serious health problems, try to take your cat's attention away from paper and provide it with safe toys to play with.
Understanding the causes and taking appropriate measures will help maintain your cat's health and well-being in the future.
Find out why cats play with mice before killing them.
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