They catch fire like a match! The zodiac signs that get angry the fastest are named

Some people overreact to everything and get angry even over trivial things. According to astrologers, Aries, Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Virgo and Cancer are the most likely to catch fire. Read more!
Impulsive Aries find it very difficult to cope with their emotions. The natives of this sign will say the first thing that comes to mind without hesitation, even if it can ruin the relationship. Aries' anger can be short-lived, but its outbursts are a bit frightening, especially for those around them.
Scorpios are sensitive, selfless, and mysterious. Although these qualities are positive, they are important components of the character of the natives of the sign. Scorpios are great at hiding their anger, waiting for the perfect moment to let off steam. They choose their words carefully, but at the same time try to touch someone's heart.
Taurus usually behave in a calm and relaxed manner, but when someone starts to test their patience or get on their nerves, they are ready to take revenge right away. Natives of this sign are patient, but there is a limit to everything. Given that no one expects such behavior from Taurus, their outbursts of anger can come as a shock to others.
Ambitious Leos are quite demonstrative and are not afraid to create drama, which is not good when it comes to conflicts. Natives of the sign are confident, but quickly take a defensive stance if someone tries to make them angry or humiliate them. Leos do not hold back their emotions when they want to express their opinion on any situation.
Despite the fact that Virgos are quite reserved by nature, others should not underestimate their nature. Most of the time, the expectations of this sign's representatives for themselves and others are too high. It doesn't take long to irritate Virgos. In addition, these people can easily cut someone out of their lives without much drama.
Cancer is one of the kindest signs of the zodiac, but that doesn't mean that these people have a quiet and peaceful nature. By nature, they are extremely sensitive and emotional, so when they feel a certain emotion, it overwhelms them. Anger is no exception, and most often Cancers feel it the strongest.