Budget-friendly potato casserole

Imagine a warm, cozy evening at home, the aroma of a freshly baked casserole and the ease of preparation. This recipe is the perfect combination of affordability, speed, and comfort.
- Medium-sized potatoes - 9-10 pcs;
- Milk - 250 ml;
- Hard cheese - 80 g;
- Chicken eggs - 2 pcs;
- Spices - to taste.
Method of preparation:
1. Make cuts in the potatoes without cutting through.
2. Prepare a mixture of milk, egg and spices. Add grated cheese.
3. Put the potatoes in a baking dish and cover with the prepared mixture. Sprinkle with additional cheese for a golden brown crust and cover with foil.
4. Wrap the edges of the foil so that the potatoes are cooked evenly and bake at 170 degrees for 20-30 minutes until tender.
5. Serve warm. Garnish with fresh greens if desired.