They cause a drama out of nowhere: the most jealous zodiac signs are named

Some people are prone to constant jealousy even if their partner gives no reason for it. They can cause scandals out of the blue and make their chosen one feel guilty. According to astrologers, these are Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, and Leo.
Scorpios are very passionate and hot-tempered. Natives of this sign are loyal to their partners and demand the same in return. If they see the slightest sign of coldness in the relationship, they will immediately begin to suspect the other half of cheating. And then there will be no escaping the scandals.
Taurus values stability and security, so they can get jealous if they feel their relationship is under threat. Natives of this sign will do everything to preserve the union. However, there is a condition: Taurus must feel that their partner is faithful to them.
Cancers are known for their sensitivity. They have a vital need for close contact with their partner. Natives of the sign can experience intense jealousy. It is difficult for Cancer partners to gain their trust, but it is possible.
Leos often want to be the center of attention and be admired by the opposite sex. Sometimes they envy their loved ones because of their low self-esteem. Leos get annoyed when others receive more attention and admiring glances. This dissatisfaction can immediately set Leos off. Although they say they don't like conflicts, they are often the ones who start them.
As UAportal reported earlier, astrologers have named the colors of clothes that will attract good luck to life.
Two zodiac signs that have a tough character: they easily accept challenges and achieve what others can only dream of.