
Hearty New Year's pea salad instead of Olivier

Лиза ГлинскаяЛиза Глинская

Hearty New Year's pea salad instead of Olivier
Hearty New Year's pea salad instead of Olivier

It's easy and simple to prepare, but tasty and healthy at the same time.

The main ingredient of this salad is green peas. Without them, it is impossible to imagine not only the New Year's Olivier, as well as also many other salads.


500 g of beef heart (boiled)

1 large onion

300 g of boiled potatoes

200 g of homemade pickles

200 g of canned peas


cold-pressed vegetable oil (according to your taste: olive, walnut, avocado, pumpkin, etc.)

Marinade for onions:

30 ml of vegetable oil

10 g of 9% table vinegar

5 g of sugar


  1. Marinate the onions. Cut the onion, mash it lightly, add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar. Leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Cut the heart, pickles, and potatoes into strips.
  3. Add peas.
  4. Squeeze the onion lightly and add to the salad.
  5. Season with vegetable oil and salt. Mix.
