Five facts about zebra: Why they need stripes

Zebras are some of the most famous and mysterious animals on our planet. Their striped pattern and willful disposition has long been admired and interesting to scientists and nature lovers. UAportal has prepared four interesting facts about zebra.
Striped patterns
The unique striped patterns of zebras make each individual zebra individual, just as human fingerprints are unique. Although they may appear similar from afar, a closer look reveals differences in their patterns. Scientists still don't know the exact purpose of these stripes, but the prevailing theory suggests that they help zebras recognize each other.
How zebras sleep
One of the amazing traits of zebras is their ability to sleep standing up. By locking their knee joints, zebras can rest while remaining upright, allowing them to wake up quickly and escape potential predators. However, when they need a deep sleep, zebras often lie on their side.
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Varieties of zebras
There are three types of zebras: the plains zebra, the mountain zebra and the Grevy's zebra. The latter is the largest among them, weighing up to 450 kilograms, while plains zebras can reach a weight of up to 385 kilograms. Their habitat stretches across different regions, from southern Ethiopia and South Sudan to northern South Africa. The mountain zebra is the smallest species, weighing around 360 kilograms, and is found exclusively in South Africa, Namibia and Angola.
Communication skills
In addition to physical adaptations, zebras display exquisite communication skills. For example, plains zebras use at least six different vocalizations as a means of communication. A snort indicates pleasure, and a two-syllable cry warns the herd of approaching predators. They also communicate through facial expressions, thrusting their muzzles forward and tilting their ears during friendly interactions. And vice versa, when they feel threatened, they press their ears against their skull.
Recall, earlier we wrote about how pets affect the sleep of a person.
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