
Practical tricks with laundry soap: 3 ways to use it in unusual ways in everyday life

Maryna Gramovych

Practical tricks with laundry soap: 3 ways to use it in unusual ways in everyday life
Innovative ways to use laundry soap. Source: pexels

Discover unusual but useful tips to help you make the most of your laundry soap. UAportal offers practical and easy ways to improve the laundry and cleaning process.

Natural air freshener

Instead of artificial air fresheners, a few drops of your favorite essential oil can be mixed with a small amount of liquid laundry soap and water in a spray bottle. The resulting mixture can be sprayed on curtains, furniture upholstery, and carpets to get a fresh scent.

Read also: How to remove dust so that it does not settle on furniture for a long time

Homemade stain remover

To make a homemade stain remover, mix a tablespoon of crushed laundry soap with water to form a paste. You can then apply this mixture to the stained areas of your clothes and leave it on for a few minutes, then wash as usual. The homemade stain remover is effective in dealing with tough stains such as grease, ink, or food stains.

All-purpose laundry detergent

Mix a small amount of laundry soap and water in a spray bottle to make an effective all-purpose cleaner. This solution can be used to clean countertops, sinks and floors. The detergent properties of laundry soap help break down grease and dirt, making it a versatile alternative to commercial cleaners for cleaning various surfaces in the home.

As a reminder, we wrote about another interesting Chinese life hack that will help you easily get rid of dust in your apartment.

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