
Why it is important to chew your food thoroughly

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Why it is important to chew your food thoroughly
Why it is important to chew your food thoroughly

It's always strange to tell people the basics, but some need to reminded that chewing is important.

This is your internal antibacterial, internal antiparasitic program.

You know that you should not eat sterile food. However, you can also improve your health not with dietary supplements, but with internal resources.

Saliva contains a huge amount of enzymes that help fight viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi. It is clear that not only saliva, but its role is very important. Like washing your hands after public places, transportation, steering wheel, phone. We are able to destroy pathogens at the entrance to the gastrointestinal tract.

Here are several facts:

Mucin gives saliva viscosity and makes saliva-moistened food easily swallowed

Human saliva actively hydrolyzes carbohydrates (!), breaking down starches into glucose

Saliva contains enzymes: peptidases, lipases, alkaline and acid phosphatases, RNase, and the antibacterial lysozyme contained in it.

It has a mineralizing function for teeth, by the way, but that's not what we're talking about now


Already at the first stage of digestion, bacteria (not all) cannot penetrate further

An adult has to chew and grind food, so cold drinks and just liquid food without chewing will eventually lead to digestive disorders.

Sprinkle cream soup with seeds and add chopped vegetables. Don't just drink smoothies, but pour them over the berries and nuts at least.

Lysozyme and salivary enzymes need time to work. This is achieved by chewing and grinding food. When consuming liquid food, the enzymes do not have that time.