Why you can't hit the table: an explanation of popular prejudice

UAportal tells us that the dining table has held a sacred place in culture since ancient times, which led to the emergence of various superstitions associated with this piece of furniture. One such superstition is the prohibition against banging or punching the table.
Why you can't bang your fist on a table
People who believe in prejudices firmly adhere to the belief that hitting a table with a fist leads to unfavorable consequences. It is believed that this is a disrespect to the higher powers, the imposition of trouble in one's life. The consequences can manifest themselves through conflicts in the family, difficulties at work and even financial difficulties.
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Other prejudices
It is also believed that tapping your fingers on the table leads to poverty and unexpected losses. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from such actions to avoid potential misfortunes.
In addition to avoiding tapping on the table, there are other prejudices related to food and its placement on the table. It is considered improper to scatter food while eating or to leave it directly on the table surface. All food should be on appropriate utensils.
For example, if you are dealing with a boiled egg, it is very important not to hit it on the table. Since eggs symbolize life, it is believed that such an act can anger the deity, thus starting a period of bad luck or misfortune.
We would like to remind you that bans and prejudices in Ukraine have played a significant role in shaping the country's cultural identity. Therefore, UAportal tells about the most common prejudices and prohibitions that exist in Ukrainian household and family life.
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