Why you should not name your children after one of the parents: superstitions

When naming a child after a parent, some people make this decision with good intentions. It brings joy to the parents being honored and can help strengthen ties in the family. UAportal talks about certain folk beliefs that warn against such traditions.
According to these beliefs, naming a child after a parent can lead to potential negative consequences. It is believed that having theses names in the family can create difficulties in establishing a harmonious relationship between the child and his or her relative when the child grows up. This can be especially true when a son is named after his father or when a daughter is named after her mother.
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In addition, these omens indicate that over time, there may be the possibility of external influences that will cause the namesake to distance himself from his family environment. This can introduce tension into the home dynamics.
In addition, folk beliefs also discourage naming a child after a deceased relative. The consequences of such a choice are considered unfavorable. If a son is named after a father who died before the child was born, it is believed that he may inadvertently inherit an unfortunate fate. This affects the child's life and can cause problems that he or she may not have faced otherwise.
As a reminder, one of the most common prejudices is knock on wood.
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