Very dangerous: you don't want this zodiac sign to be your enemy

Among all the natives of the zodiac circle, there is one who is considered the most dangerous: they are brilliant strategists who seek power and are capable of doing anything to achieve their goals. Their "weapon" is the ability to manipulate and take revenge at a time when the offender is not expecting it. According to astrologers, we are talking about Scorpio.
Natives of this sign know how to win the trust of others with their kindness and friendliness, but they can also stab you in the back. Scorpios are very mysterious, gifted with great intuition and cunning, and use these skills in both their personal and professional lives.
People born under this sign are sharp, sensitive, and extremely vindictive. One of the dominant traits of Scorpio is its violent, often excessive temper, which often gets them into difficult situations.
If Scorpio is in love with someone from the bottom of his heart, they will do anything for that person, be faithful and supportive at every moment of their life. But if they are offended, be very careful because those born under this sign are really unpredictable!
However, Scorpios have many positive qualities. First of all, determination: natives of the sign go to their goal, not noticing any obstacles. Independence and inner strength make them leaders.
The natives of this sign strive for money, power, fame, and leadership. And if someone gets in their way, they can expect no mercy. Scorpios can accurately calculate the weaknesses of other people and hit them in a way that hurts the most. So it's better not to be on the list of their enemies!
As UAportal reported earlier, astrologers have named the colors of clothes that will attract good luck.
There are two zodiac signs that have a tough character: they easily accept challenges and achieve what others can only dream of.