
Don't expect them to be active! The laziest zodiac signs are named

Anastasia Kryshchuk

Don't expect them to be active! The laziest zodiac signs are named
There are five of them on the list. Source: Photo created by AI

Some people are so lazy that they can easily ignore even an offer from friends to spend time together. According to astrologers, these are Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, and Pisces. Read more!


Taurus are known for their love of comfort and for using the help of others. Natives of this sign shift their responsibilities to colleagues at work and family members at home. The most important thing for them is rest, during which they can enjoy delicious food and drinks.


"Homey" Cancers appreciate their atmosphere and are not going to leave their cozy apartment unnecessarily. They like to hide from everyone to gain strength and think about certain things. The natives of this sign are self-centered, so don't expect them to help you in your time of need.


Ambitious Leos want to be adored and pampered by others, and they are eager to use the help of friends. They love to enjoy themselves and tend to distribute tasks to other people instead of doing things themselves.


Libras value harmony in all aspects of life the most and are not going to rush into anything, especially when it comes to work. Their laziness is often the result of a desire to avoid unnecessary stress. The natives of this sign will never work overtime, and they will choose a type of activity that does not strain them.


Pisces are real dreamers who live in a dreamland. They are very lazy and are used to putting things off for later. Instead of solving problems or work tasks, the natives of the sign escape to a fictional world where they are already doing well.