Don't stand in their way; you will be destroyed! Zodiac signs with the most destructive energy have been named

For some people, a disapproving glance at someone else is enough to bring big trouble to their head. According to astrologers, this is because some zodiac signs have very strong and destructive energy. In ancient times, they were credited with special abilities in black magic. We are talking about Scorpio, Gemini, and Pisces.
Scorpios are sometimes called the zodiac sign with a black soul because of their mysteriousness, vengefulness, and secrecy. It is better not to get involved in conflicts with them, as their hurtful words often come true. Scorpios never forgive offenses and will never forget someone who once stood in their way. Such a person will not be happy.
These people often resort to negative emotions towards others because they are simply jealous. Unfortunately, Gemini has a strong energy that can harm and even destroy the happiness of others. When dealing with the natives of this sign, think very carefully about what to disclose to them and whether to say anything at all. The less they know about you, the safer and better it is.
Representatives of this sign are often told that they bring bad luck to others. These people can hide a grudge for a long time and even harbor various bad intentions. And at some point, it will all come to a head. With Pisces, as well as with Scorpio, either make friends and don't argue, or be neutral. Natives of the sign are also prone to envy, which only increases the negative energy.
As UAportal reported earlier, astrologers have named the colors of clothes that will attract good luck.
Also, among all the natives of the zodiac circle, there are two that have a tough character - they easily accept challenges and achieve what others can only dream of.