The three most reserved zodiac signs have been named: they are very reserved in expressing their feelings

Confessing feelings is not an easy task for many people. Some people may cry behind closed doors, while others share their feelings openly with everyone in the house. As in other aspects of life, emotional openness or reserve depends on the zodiac sign. According to astrologers, Virgos, Geminis, and Capricorns are considered the most closed-minded.
Virgos rarely show their feelings. They keep their distance even from the closest people.
Virgos rank high when it comes to emotional reserve, but that doesn't mean they don't know how to love. Natives of this sign can seem cold and aloof, it is difficult for them to open up to someone and show their weaknesses, but they usually remain faithful to their soulmate. Virgos are not ready to show their feelings too much.
Gemini hides their true feelings under the mask of humor. This is how they protect themselves from injury
If you ever see a person who makes ironic jokes about their feelings and covers them up with sarcasm, chances are they are a Gemini. They hate it when someone makes fun of them or plays with their emotions. Natives of this sign are afraid of being rejected, so they hide their true feelings. This, in turn, makes them emotionally detached.
Capricorns find solace in their own company. They don't need anyone else
Capricorns are happy, especially when they are alone. Therefore, they seem emotionally inaccessible to their partners. They like to spend time alone and don't need anyone, which makes their partner feel alienated. However, it is related to their unique needs and personality traits.
As UAportal reported earlier, astrologers have named the colors of clothes that will attract good luck.
Also, among all the natives of the zodiac circle, there are two that have a tough character - they easily accept challenges and achieve what others can only dream of.