
Men-tyrants named by zodiac sign: they are able to destroy the psyche of the "victim"

Anastasia Kryshchuk

Men-tyrants named by zodiac sign: they are able to destroy the psyche of the 'victim'
Read who's on the list. Source: Photo created by AI

All people have light and dark sides, positive and negative character traits, but astrologers say that only five men by zodiac sign are prone to being tyrants in relationships. We're talking about Capricorns, Taurus, Virgos, Leos, and Scorpios!


Capricorn men are not prone to direct aggression, they are more likely to "eat away" your brain with a little spoon – with constant reproaches and comments. They will definitely tell their partner how to live and with whom to be friends, hinting that others do not reach their level of intelligence and financial status. Their woman will feel "on a leash" – under complete control.


Taurus, like Capricorn, belongs to the Earth element. This means that they won't make loud scandals either, but they will put pressure on their partner. Natives of the sign show passive aggression instead of open conflict and humiliate their chosen ones in every possible way. A woman may not notice this right away, because Taurus opens up gradually, showing their true colors.


Virgo men criticize everyone around them – they will tell their partner how she should look, what she should be interested in, and what she should do. The natives of this sign will always point out all the flaws, even if they are imaginary. They are truly convinced that they are always right, and that the rest of us are outright fools who don't understand simple rules.


Ambitious Leos believe they deserve the best because they are "kings." Natives of the sign will demand that their partner be completely subordinate to their interests. Moreover, they need to be constantly admired - if this is not the case in a relationship, they can easily go left to boost their self-esteem.


Mysterious Scorpios have charm and charisma and can turn your head from the first minute. But then they show you who they really are. Natives of the sign are very jealous and will constantly check on their partner, demanding proof of loyalty. This can quickly destroy a relationship.