TThe zodiac sign with the most complex character has been named: they don't compromise easily

One of the zodiac signs has a challenging character. According to astrologers, we're talking about Aquarius - natives of this sign are stubborn and conflicted, and their behavior and motivation for action can cause many people great anxiety.
Aquarians do not easily heed the advice of even their closest associates. Their razor-sharp tongue can even make real authorities feel uncomfortable. Natives of the sign often struggle to get along with their colleagues or people they are in a relationship with. They can be two-faced, as their success and well-being are of utmost importance to them.
Additionally, Aquarians also exhibit selfishness in relationships. It's challenging for them to work on themselves and their shortcomings. They are naturally stubborn and not prone to compromises. Their strength is their hallmark, both in the pursuit of perfection and in everyday life.
Maintaining relationships with such individuals is not easy. Their soulmate should be very understanding. Aquarians often do not realize their challenging nature, which makes it difficult for them to empathize with the other party. It's only when they fall in love that they may come to terms with their flaws.
As UAportal reported earlier, astrologers have named the colors of clothes that will attract good luck to life.
Also, among all the natives of the zodiac circle, there are two who have a tough character - they easily accept challenges and achieve what others can only dream of.