
"Comfort food" that reduces stress levels

Анита ЛуценкоАнита Луценко

'Comfort food' that reduces stress levels
''Comfort food'' that reduces stress levels

Have you ever heard of such a concept as "comfort food"? It is food that evokes positive emotions, creates a feeling of comfort, safety and satisfaction. It is often associated with childhood memories, family or country traditions, or special moments in a person's life.

Food that reminds us of warm moments, family meals, or special events. It can be grandma's dumplings, mom's borscht, or cocoa that you used to drink as a child.

Comfort food usually has a rich flavor, soft or creamy texture. It is often something warm, hearty, and high in calories (for example, soups, casseroles, pasta, pastries).

Eating such food reduces stress levels, helps you calm down and feel better. It acts as a kind of "emotional balm".

- Warm dishes: soups, broths, cereals.

- Homemade pastries: pies, pancakes, cookies.

- Dishes from childhood: omelet, mashed potatoes, dumplings.

Although comfort foods can bring temporary calm, excessive consumption in response to stress or negative emotions can turn into an unhealthy habit (emotional eating). Therefore, you should be able to recognize your emotions and seek a balance between pleasure and healthy eating.

For me, it's mashed potatoes, navy pasta, a bun with poppy seeds and milk, waffles, green tomatoes, olivier, pancakes, bloodworms, liver.

What about you?