How to restore color to a white window sill: 3 effective life hacks

Plastic window sills can turn yellow over time, even for careful homeowners who clean them regularly. UAportal told you that there are simple life hacks that will help restore their original beauty and whiteness. By following these simple tips, you can effectively clean a plastic window sill.
Use laundry soap
One of the most effective approaches is to use laundry soap and grate a piece into shavings. It needs to be dissolved in water. By washing the window sill with this tool, you can achieve an excellent result, returning it to its original whiteness.
If you have peroxide in your medicine cabinet, you're in luck. Apply this wonderful product to the soft side of a sponge and start washing the window sill. You will notice that the yellowing gradually disappears, returning to its original color.
Resourceful housewives often keep a small amount of vodka on hand, as it serves a variety of household purposes. First, make sure there is no fresh dirt on the windowsill. Then, soak a cotton napkin in vodka and start treating the affected areas; alcohol does not harm plastic, but it will return it to its white color.
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