How to remove ink from wallpaper: 3 quick ways

Dealing with painted wallpaper can be a challenge. UAportal tells you about several ways that will help you get rid of the drawings without damaging your walls.
Before diving into the process, it's important to determine the type of wallpaper and evaluate its compatibility with different cleaning methods. If you have vinyl wallpaper you are in luck as they can be washed with aggressive chemicals. However, do not wash them without a water repellent impregnation.
Also, if your wallpaper is under a layer of paint, you can wash and clean them provided the quality of the paint allows you to do so. Also, it is better to avoid contact of paper wallpaper with water or chemicals.
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Let's take a look at three quick methods you can use to remove ink from wallpaper:
1. Apply a small amount of bleach to a saucer.
2. Using a cotton swab, gently apply the bleach to the stained areas.
3. Leave it on for a few hours.
4. Wipe gently with a soft cloth.
1. Dissolve a few crystals of manganese in vinegar.
2. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe the affected areas with it.
3. After that, soak the stained areas with hydrogen peroxide.
Citric acid:
1. Citric acid is good for cleaning vinyl wallpaper.
2. Soak a cotton swab in a solution of citric acid.
3. Rub the affected areas of the wallpaper with the soaked cotton swab.
Remember to follow these instructions and always test any cleaning product on a small, inconspicuous area. Using these methods, you will be able to successfully remove ink from your wallpaper and restore its original appearance.
Recall, earlier we told you how to clean windows with an iodine solution. In particular, it can be prepared at home in a few minutes. While the costs are minimal, however, the result will definitely amaze you.
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