
How to increase productivity at work: 3 useful lifehacks

Maryna Gramovych

How to increase productivity at work: 3 useful lifehacks
Lifehacks to increase productivity at work. Source: Pexels

Many people have problems with memory, time management and stress, which affects their overall productivity and well-being. UAportal has prepared some practical lifehacks to solve these problems.

Memory Improvement

To improve memorization, try to break large amounts of information into smaller, easy-to-understand pieces. For example, when trying to memorize a long list of items, group them into categories or topics. Another helpful tip is to engage different senses while learning, such as using visual aids, reading aloud, or using mnemonic devices.

Read also: Three life hacks to help improve relationships: the "5 love languages" and communication techniques

Time Management

One of the effective time-management best practices for better time management is to prioritize daily tasks by urgency and importance. By categorizing tasks into "urgent/term" and "important/unimportant," people can better plan their time and energy.

Stress management

When it comes to stress management, deep breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation techniques can help alleviate feelings of tension and anxiety. Еще один эффективный лайфхак – это ведение дневника благодарности, куда люди могут регулярно записывать то, за что они благодарны. Regular physical activity such as yoga, running or dancing can help release endorphins and serve as a healthy outlet for stress.

As a reminder, we've written before about how to reach your potential easily and quickly.

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