How to get rid of stubborn stains on towels: Effective remedies

When it comes to restoring the good condition of your towels, effective methods are very important to solve this problem. From using vinegar and baking soda to lemon juice, UAportal has shared simple and eco-friendly solutions.
Vinegar solution
It is necessary to prepare an equal mixture of white vinegar and water and immerse stained towels in this solution for at least 30 minutes. After soaking, they should be washed in the usual mode with laundry detergent. Also, you can add a few drops of essential oil to this remedy for a pleasant fragrance.
Read also: Top 6 methods to stretch shriveled after washing clothes
Baking soda
Another effective approach to remove stubborn stains from towels is to use baking soda. From baking soda and water you need to prepare a paste, which should be applied directly to the soiled areas. The paste should be gently rubbed into the fabric, concentrating on the most soiled areas. After that, it should be left for at least 15 minutes and then wash the towels as usual.
Laundry soap
A simple but effective way to deal with stubborn stains on towels is to pre-treat them with laundry soap. It should be applied directly to the contaminated areas, and the fabric should be rubbed lightly so that the soap is absorbed into the fibers. After that, pre-treated towels should be left for 10-15 minutes, and then wash in the usual mode.
Recall, we have already written why things become dirtier after washing in the machine.
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