Retaining heat in cold water: interesting facts about sea lions

Often adored for their cute appearance, sea lions are generally not dangerous to humans compared to other similar creatures. UAportal has prepared some interesting facts about these adorable creatures.
Whiskers help sea lions in the aquatic environment
Just as whiskers help ordinary cats navigate in the dark, sea lions rely on their whiskers to detect changes in the aquatic environment. This remarkable adaptation allows them to maintain awareness even in the absence of light.
Size variations
The weight of sea lions can vary considerably. The smallest individuals weigh only 30 kg, while the largest ones weigh ten times as much. Females are usually noticeably smaller than males, by about a third.
Female sea lions can control the fertilization process
Female sea lions have an amazing ability to control their fertilization process. After mating with a male, they can deliberately delay the fertilization of an egg for several months if the current conditions are unfavorable for the survival of the offspring.
Ability to keep warm
An interesting feature of sea lions is their ability to keep warm even in cold water. Thanks to the air contained in their fur, their skin remains insulated from the cold temperature of the surrounding water.
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