
Hot mulled wine is the best way to feel the winter mood

Владимир ЯрославскийВладимир Ярославский

Hot mulled wine is the best way to feel the winter mood
Hot mulled wine is the best way to feel the winter mood

Hot mulled wine, in my opinion, is the best way to feel the winter mood regardless of the weather. Although it's not quite winter outside, it doesn't hurt to recreate the atmosphere!


- 1 bottle of dry wine

- 3 tablespoons of honey

- half of green apple

- 1 orange

- 1/3 lemon and a little ginger

- 2-3 cinnamon sticks

- 2 stars of star anise

- 3-4 pieces of cloves


Its preparation is usually easy and joyful, because the drink is prepared quickly and always turns out flavorful!

  • Pour wine into an enamel or steel saucepan
  • Add honey, spices, half an orange and sliced apple
  • Squeeze the juice from the other half of the orange, add a little lemon or its zest and sliced ginger
  • Bring it to 60-70 degrees over medium heat and turn off

Cover with a lid and wait another 5-10 minutes for it to infuse.


You can take both red and white wine, but it must be dry.

Honey can be replaced with sugar.

Choose spices to your liking, but not whole ones.

Do not boil the drink.