
Phrases to avoid when communicating with management: Helpful Lifehacks

Vladyslav Moskalenko

Phrases to avoid when communicating with management: Helpful Lifehacks
How not to talk to management. Source: Pexels

Maintaining professionalism in your language and communication with your superiors is important to your subordinates. Even an unintentionally uttered simple phrase can negatively affect your reputation. To prevent this from happening, UAportal told what phrases should be avoided in a conversation with management.

"It's not my fault. My colleague did it"

Blaming others and trying to shift responsibility is stupid and immature. Do not resort to such excuses. If you really did not make the mistake in question, report your innocence to your supervisor without implicating any of your colleagues.

Read also: Six universal tips for a successful job interview

"I'm looking for a new job"

While employers know that employees may be considering other job opportunities, it is not advisable to openly state your intentions. Communicating your job search can be perceived as disrespectful and disloyal. Keep things professional by keeping such matters private, only informing your supervisor after two weeks if you have secured a position with another company.

"It's not part of my job description"

Implying that a task is outside of your responsibilities shows an unwillingness to cooperate. Even if you are unsure of the task at hand, demonstrate a willingness to learn and adapt. Openly expressing an unwillingness to participate in new responsibilities can give the impression that you are resistant to change or lack a team mentality.

As a reminder, we've previously written about how not to fail a job interview.

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