These zodiac signs will suffer from uncertainty for the rest of the week

UAportal has prepared a horoscope for Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn. Until the end of the week, when planetary shifts bring a sense of uncertainty, these zodiac signs may feel confusion and doubt in different areas of life.
The first signs of uncertainty are seen in Taurus, bringing feelings of indecision and doubt due to Mars' recent entry into orbit. Taurus may experience a lack of direction and wavering confidence, challenging their usually unyielding nature. Grounding techniques and practical approaches to problem solving are recommended during this period to effectively navigate uncertainty.
Cancers are the second sign plagued by uncertainty, as their heightened emotions and inner restlessness can arise amidst planetary shifts. Their usually strong intuition can feel clouded, leading to confusion and hesitation. Relying on support systems and practicing self-help can help Cancers find clarity amidst uncertainty.
Uncertainty pervades Virgo, causing increased anxiety and overthinking. The need for order and control can run into problems, leaving members of the Virgo sign feeling insecure and confused. To ease the burden of uncertainty, it is recommended to practice mindfulness and seek healthy ways to distract yourself.
Scorpio occupies the fourth position of uncertainty with an intense sense of distrust and suspicion that is likely to emerge after the planetary entry of Mars. This can lead to uncertainty about their current path and relationships, undermining their introspective nature. To overcome uncertainty, open communication and seeking advice from trusted confidants is recommended.
Capricorn finds itself as the fifth sign to find itself in a situation of uncertainty, prompting you to question your goals and ambitions. Planetary movements may challenge their usual resolve, causing them to question their next steps. In order to gain clarity in the face of uncertainty, it is advisable to review long-term plans and seek advice from mentors.