Epic battles and incredible adventures: top 5 best action movies

Films from 2015 to 2019 not only fascinated viewers with exciting action scenes but also depicted complex stories about heroism, self-sacrifice, and resilience. UAportal has prepared a selection of films, each of which marked its own era and fascinated viewers around the world.
John Wick 3
IMDB rating: 7.4
Genre: Action, thriller
Country of production: USA
Duration: 130 minutes
Year of production: 2019
Director: Chad Stahelski
Wanted for a large price on his head, John Wick must overcome the dangers that lie in wait for him at every turn in New York City. Allies and enemies from his past clashes either stand in his way or offer dubious assistance.
Avengers: Endgame
IMDB rating: 8.4
Genre: Action, sci-fi
Country of production: USA
Duration: 181 minutes
Year of production: 2019
Directed by: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
After the universe is reduced to rubble, the surviving mightiest heroes of Earth come together once again to stop the destruction wrought by Thanos. As they make fragile deals and redefine the shadows of their past in a fight against time, the need to sacrifice comes to the fore. The final battle puts them to the test as they strive to make things right.
Mission Impossible: Fallout
IMDB rating: 7.7
Genre: Action, thriller
Country of production: USA
Duration: 147 minutes
Year of production: 2018
Director: Christopher McCurry
A dark cloud of nuclear threat hangs over humanity after a failed mission. The responsibility falls on Ethan Hunt and his team. They pursue it around the world, in the underground of international espionage and within the walls of ancient fortresses.
Read also: 5 movies to help you cope with emotional burnout
Mad Max: Fury Road
IMDB rating: 8.1
Genre: Action, adventure
Country of production: Australia
Duration: 120 minutes
Year of production: 2015
Director: George Miller
Max, a wanderer in a post-apocalyptic desert, forms an unexpected alliance with Furiosa, a rebel on a mission. Together they set off on a high-speed chase across the desert, fleeing a clan under tyrannical rule. Resourcefulness and resilience are crucial in this dangerous journey to hope.
Spider-Man: Far From Home
IMDB rating: 7.4
Genre: Action, adventure
Country of production: USA
Duration: 129 minutes
Year of production: 2019
Director: Jon Watts
In an attempt to find a normal life, Peter Parker travels abroad, but the shadow of responsibility returns to him. On the orders of Nick Fury, he faces a confrontation with otherworldly forces. The combination with Mysterio opens up layers of deception, changing Peter's perception of heroism and villainy.
As a reminder, UAportal has prepared 10 inspiring and motivational films that everyone should watch.
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