There will always be money at home: how to store flour and cereals properly

Flour and certain cereals have a unique energy that can have a significant impact on the harmony and prosperity of your home and family. These common kitchen products can bring both good luck and bad luck.
Understanding how to store flour and cereals properly is essential to harnessing their positive energy.
Flour, in particular, has long been considered a symbol of wealth. To maximize its beneficial effects, it is very important to keep flour hidden from prying eyes. It should be stored in a sturdy, airtight container to ensure that it remains intact.
In addition to flour, other important ingredients such as salt and sugar should be stored separately. Keeping them in different cupboards can help maintain harmony in the family.
It is important to make sure that sugar, salt, and all cereals are never left unprotected. They should be stored in tightly closed containers to prevent negative energy from entering the home.
Wheat groats, known as a symbol of happiness, can help create a joyful atmosphere in the home. To enhance its positive influence, you should leave the wheat in a jar with a lid decorated with a golden hue.
It is worth reminding that prohibitions and superstitions in Ukraine have played a significant role in shaping the country's cultural identity. Therefore, UAportal tells you about the most common superstitions and prohibitions that exist in Ukrainian everyday life and family life.
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