How to make really flavorful tea

Here is a recipe for spiced orange tea with apples and sea buckthorn.
Sea buckthorn - 100 g
Orange - 1 pc
Apple - 1 pc
Water - 400 ml
Cinnamon powder - 1/5 tsp
Ginger powder - 1/5 tsp
Cloves, cardamom - a pinch
Honey or sugar - optional
Beat sea buckthorn with spices in a blender.
Cut the apple into small cubes. Cut the orange into slices.
Pour boiling water over everything. Add honey or sugar.
What should you choose? French press or teapot? Are they different from each other?
Choose what suits you best, as they have different approaches to making tea, which affects the final taste and brewing process.
French press
During the brewing process, tea leaves are poured with hot water and left to steep for several minutes. After that, the plunger is lowered, separating the tea leaves from the infusion.
Tea brewed in a French press usually has a richer and deeper flavor because the tea leaves are freely infused in the water.
The French press allows you to conveniently and easily control the brewing time and simplifies the cleaning process.
It can be used for both tea and coffee, making it a multifunctional appliance.
Tea leaves are brewed in water inside a container or filter in the infuser. The brewing time is controlled and depends on the removal of the container with the leaves.
Tea brewed in a teapot can be lighter and more delicate because the contact of the leaves with the water is controlled.
Teapots often have a filter that keeps the leaves separate, which is very convenient
Teapots can be decorative and stylish, adding an aesthetic element to the brewing process.