What gives the best effect for weight loss: food or exercise

If we compare the effect of losing weight from training and food, it will become immediately clear that we lose weight through food, not through training.
Take your weight, for example, I have 60 kg and you will see how many kcal your body consumes per hour. This figure is roughly the same. Just enough to keep your heart beating, breathing, maintaining body temperature, and other processes.
60*24 (hours a day) = 1440 is my approximate basic metabolism when I'm lying on the couch watching TV.
Training increases kcal consumption by about 2.5 times. That is, instead of 60 kcal, I will already spend 150 kcal/hour
What is 150 kcal in terms of food?
1 apple (300 g)
2 sausages
"Kyiv" cake (26 g)
Buckwheat (135 g)
Protein bar (35 g)
That is, it's such a pittance that trying to use up the calories of a workout is like hammering nails with an iPhone. You can do it, but it's too much effort. That's why we make up for the kcal deficit with food and lose excess fat, and with training, we develop strength, flexibility, endurance, build body shape, maintain mental health, prevent diseases, and prolong mobility.