Winter lemon cookies: a delicate masterpiece

For the cookies:
150g sugar
80g 82.5% butter
zest of 1 large lemon
5g vanilla sugar
35g lemon juice
2 small eggs
250-260g flour
7-8g baking powder
powdered sugar for breading, I took the whole package - there was still some left over.
For the lemon curd cream:
1 large egg
60g sugar
60g lemon juice
zest of 1 lemon
50g butter
Prepare the batter:
I mix the butter with egg, sugar, zest and lemon juice.
I beat well with a spatula attachment, then add boroshno and dissolver, knead the dough, it comes out very thick and therefore it should be put in the refrigerator or on the balcony to cool down until it does not catch - better overnight.
Next, I'll make a quick kurd:
I simply mix all ingredients and bring to a boil, stirring constantly with wine, then cool it down.
I take the dough out of the cold and very quickly roll up the piles - about 20 grams each (it will take 2 deco) and roll them in powdered sugar.
I put them on parchment at a good distance from 1 to 1, make small gaps, I add lemon curd there and bake the oven at a temperature of 175 degrees Celsius for 8-10 minutes.
The output is very tender and delicious!
You can use any kind of jam or thick jam instead of curd!
Also very beautiful baking will be without jam or kurd, if you do not want to work long, the result is still amazing!
Enjoy and goodbye!