
Why spread cinnamon around the house: household tips and signs

Ihor Romanko

Why put cinnamon sticks around the house
Why put cinnamon sticks around the house

Cinnamon is not just a fragrant spice but also a source of positive energy and magical properties. Since ancient times, people have believed that cinnamon can attract wealth and success. Thus, place cinnamon sticks around the house to attract cash flow and good luck.

To increase love and passion, add a little cinnamon to love elixirs or aroma lamps to light a fire in your relationship, presa.com writes. You can protect yourself from negativity and evil by placing a cinnamon stick under the threshold or on the front door to protect your home from ill-wishers. To improve your health and well-being, add cinnamon to your tea or coffee to strengthen your immune system, relieve stress, and improve your mood.

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Here are some tips on how to use cinnamon for magical purposes:

  • Spread cinnamon sticks around the house. Put them in a vase, on shelves, in the corners of rooms.
  • Add cinnamon to an aroma lamp. The aroma of cinnamon has a positive effect on mood. It also relieves fatigue and gives a feeling of comfort.
  • Carry a cinnamon stick with you. It will help you attract good luck and protect yourself from negativity.
  • Add cinnamon to your food and drinks. This will not only improve the taste but also charge you with positive energy.

Important to remember:

  • Do not use cinnamon for magical purposes if you are allergic to it.
  • Do not abuse cinnamon as it can have side effects.
  • Believe in the power of cinnamon magic and it will definitely help you in your life!


  • To have money in the house, put three cinnamon sticks under the mat by the front door.
  • To find love, carry a cinnamon stick in your wallet.
  • To get rid of gossip and slander, throw a pinch of cinnamon into the fire.
  • To protect yourself from illness, put a cinnamon stick under your pillow.
  • Believe in the power of cinnamon magic and it will definitely bring you happiness, good luck, and love!

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