Poisonous snake found in a toilet in Australia (video and photos)

Snake catcher Tenilla Banks saved the life of a venomous snake found in an unusual place - a public toilet bowl in the Australian city of Goondiwindi.
Banks was called to the toilet after local residents reported a blockage that could not be flushed. When she arrived, she found a blue-bellied black snake, also known as a spotted black snake, in the toilet.
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Tenilla Banks works for Wildlife Empire, a sanctuary and animal relocation service. She said in a post on TikTok that she was called to a public restroom in Goondiwindi, Queensland.
When Wolf arrived at the call, she carefully removed the snake from the toilet with a hook and placed it in a bag. She then took the snake to a local nature reserve where it was released into the wild.
"I'm glad the snake is safe," Banks said, adding: "It was completely calm when I was filming it."

The spotted black snake is a venomous species native to Australia. Its venom can be fatal to humans if not treated promptly.

As a reminder, in the US, a dog ate $4,000 of its owners' money, but they did return part of the amount.
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