Causes bloating and abdominal pain: what fruits should never be given to dogs

For many pet owners, it's no surprise when their four-legged friends show a fondness for fruits such as watermelons, grapes, or even cherries. This craving for fruit consumption is quite common among dogs.
Let's take a closer look at whether dogs can eat fruit. This issue should be taken seriously because some fruits are absolutely not allowed for dogs. Schuba writes about this.
There is nothing unusual in the fact that a dog likes fruit. The dog may be attracted to the sugar (fructose) contained in them, as well as the flavor and texture. In addition, fruit is a source of water, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, so your pet is simply "taking a vitamin" when he swallows a piece of watermelon or strawberry. However, not all fruits are good for pets.
When it comes to watermelons, we can safely say that they are completely safe. You can treat your dog to a piece of this fruit, provided that he does not suffer from diabetes, overweight, or sugar sensitivity because watermelons contain a lot of it.
Since watermelon is 92% water, it is good for hydration, especially on hot summer days. It also contains vitamins A, B-6, C, and potassium.
However, watermelon rind should not be given to dogs. It can cause digestive problems.
Also, remember the dosage of dog treats. Even healthy treats should make up no more than 10% of your dog's total diet.
The situation with strawberries is much the same as with watermelons. Small portions of these berries are good for your dog.
Strawberries contain vitamins C, B-1, B-6, K, magnesium, folic acid, fiber, iodine, potassium, and omega-3. However, an animal is more likely to get these substances from a balanced diet (natural or industrial) than from a few strawberries.
Strawberries are also high in sugar, so don't give them to diabetic or overweight animals.
Some dogs love to beg for pineapple pieces as soon as they smell it. Is it safe for dogs? Yes, but only in very small portions.
If you have a choice between giving your dog a piece of pineapple or a piece of sausage, choose pineapple.
Everything said about watermelons and strawberries also applies to pineapples: they contain a lot of nutrients, but also a lot of sugar, so be aware of the contraindications. And don't eat too much of it, as it can provoke an upset stomach.
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