Delicious salted caramel for pancakes: an easy recipe

Salted caramel
A sauce that I love to add to honey cake, napoleon, or just fresh pancakes.
I spied the approximate proportion a long time ago from my French chef, and I have already "corrected" the grams for myself and I'm sharing it with you now!
The proportion is as follows:
100g butter 82.5%
150g of white sugar
300g cream 30%
30g of milk
7-8g of salt
The most interesting thing here is the cooking technique:
I put the butter and sugar in a saucepan and put it on high heat. I heat it up and stir it constantly with a wooden spatula.
At first, the mixture begins to foam, then the butter and sugar stratify, and then the color begins to change towards darkening.
At this stage, be careful – the temperatures are high and the mixture in the saucepan looks very liquid.
The color gradually turns caramel (just like a ready-made toffee) and the butter is almost all combined with the sugar. This is where you need to catch the right rich color and not burn the sugar, so I stir the mixture quite vigorously.
When the desired color is achieved, I carefully pour the cream and milk into the saucepan (usually I even heat it to keep it warm).
Here the mixture boils and foams. I stir constantly, add salt, and cook the mixture for another 5 minutes to boil a little and melt all the lumps.
I strain the hot caramel through a sieve. I cover it with foil directly on the caramel and chill it!
Then I use it later.
For even better results, in my opinion, it is important to choose delicious sea salt.