Makeup artists named three makeup mistakes that age

Makeup can make you the star of the evening or add a few years, even if you've spent a lot of money on high-quality cosmetics. will look at what mistakes in makeup can affect your appearance and add age to it.
This is what writes about.
Thin and sharp eyebrows
Graphic eyebrows are popular in modern makeup, but too much darkening and expressive drawing of the inner eyebrow line can make your look rough and even add a few years. If you have droopy eyelids, this method of drawing eyebrows will only make the situation worse, and you won't be able to hide it with eye shadow. Instead of a hard eyebrow pencil, it is recommended to use eyebrow shadows a few shades darker than the empty color of your hair.
Too thick foundation
Choosing the right foundation is the key to successful makeup. Makeup artists recommend that you refrain from using a foundation that is too thick if you do not plan to create evening makeup. Usually, many women try to hide imperfections with the help of foundation, but this can lead to the opposite effect - the cream dries out and makes skin irregularities even more noticeable. If you want to hide redness or bruises, go for a foundation that matches your skin tone. Defects can be hidden with concealer and concealer, and the base should not be too thick.
Warm shades of lipstick
When choosing makeup with warm shades, you should be careful if your hair color type is cold or neutral. You should be especially careful when using warm lipsticks and lip glosses. In addition to emphasizing the yellowness of your teeth, they will also give your face unnecessary accents. It's even worse if you choose lipstick shades that are too light. The days when the natural color of your lips was covered with foundation or lipstick with a "tonal" effect are over. It is important to choose shades that are as close as possible to your natural lip color, thereby achieving the effect of "your lips, only better."
We've already told you what makeup makes you look old.
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