
When you should go to bed to wake up refreshed: expert advice

Maria Tsikhotska

When you should go to bed to wake up refreshed: expert advice
Sleep is an important part of our health

Poor quality sleep can seriously affect your health, causing anxiety, chronic fatigue, and reduced immunity. Poor sleep can even lead to weight gain. Unfortunately, in today's frantic pace of life, sleep problems are becoming more and more common. However, the good news is that sleep patterns can be adjusted and improved. TSN writes about this.

The perfect time for healthy sleep

Neurologists emphasize the importance of a long and sound night's sleep as a guarantee of vigor, productivity, and rest for the body. Studies show that the most favorable time to fall asleep is between 10:00 and 11:00 pm. Regularly following this schedule will make it easier to wake up in the morning and allow your body to work at its full potential.

Risks of staying up late

Scientists warn that falling asleep after midnight is the most dangerous thing as it can "shift" the biological clock, causing negative consequences, in particular for the cardiovascular system. People who fall asleep before 23:00 are less likely to suffer from heart disease.

Benefits of falling asleep early:

- Increased activity and productivity during the day

- Improved emotional state, lower risk of depression

- Reduced likelihood of diseases such as diabetes

- Healthy looking skin without puffiness and dark circles under the eyes

The importance of a sleep routine

The researchers also emphasize the benefits of a "sleep routine": keeping a consistent bedtime both on weekdays and weekends. This helps to adjust the biological clock and facilitate the process of falling asleep. Before going to bed, it is recommended to give up gadgets and TV and practice reading, listen to relaxing music, or meditate instead. For quality sleep, it is also useful to enrich your diet with vegetables, fruits, fiber, drink plenty of fluids, and eat dairy products.

Read also: Eight daily habits that keep your heart young

If you have a sleepless night, you can use the following methods to wake up in the morning: ventilate the room, stay hungry (since digestion of food causes drowsiness), take a contrast shower, drink coffee or a caffeinated drink (but not too much), and increase your intake of plain water.

As a reminder, we have already written why you shouldn't sleep under an electric blanket.

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