Thousands of bones of cave bears dating back 40 thousand years BC discovered in Germany (photo)

In Germany, archaeologists have discovered more than 10,000 animal bones, most of them of cave bears. The discovery was made at a Paleolithic site in the Ansbach district of Bavaria.
The excavations found enough cave bear bones to make an almost complete skeleton of a huge animal. Radiocarbon analysis of the bone samples dates them to about 40,000 BC, according to The History Blog.
300 bones and teeth of various animals were found in a research area of only one square meter and 10,000 in an area of 1200 square meters. Among them are the remains of cave bears, wolves, mammoths, rhinos, wild horses, and well-preserved remains of the upper jaw and teeth of a cave hyena.
Read also: Plants 120 million years old turned out to be rare baby turtles (photo)
Many of the fragments have cut marks and pieces of flint worked to a sharp edge, and burn marks on small pieces of bone indicate that this was not a natural accumulation of animal bones, but rather a processing site used by Paleolithic people.

The animal bones are currently being examined by archaeologists who are documenting their species, age, and, if possible, gender. Further research will include stable isotope analysis, which can explain what the animals ate and how far they traveled from their places of origin.

As a reminder, archaeologists have discovered a home of prehistoric people dating back almost 17,000 years.
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