Scientists explain the dangers of eating more than one egg a day

Eggs are a popular and highly nutritious food, rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein and fat. In parts of the world where eggs are affordable and readily available, many people eat them regularly or even daily.
For a long time, scientists have provided various explanations for the daily allowance of eggs for humans. It's all about the high cholesterol content in eggs. This substance contributes to heart disease, the leading cause of death worldwide.
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According to CNN, experts from the Harvard University School of Public Health conducted a study on the harm of egg consumption for people and established a norm that would be safe for health.
According to the new study, moderate egg consumption, namely one egg per day, is not associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Dr. Frank Hu, who chairs the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard University T.H. Chan School of Public Health, proved that this regularity of egg consumption does not affect cardiovascular health.
The study covered 215,000 women and men without serious chronic diseases at the beginning of the experiment. Participants indicated their egg consumption habits, most of whom consumed one to five eggs per week. Over 34 years of observation, the researchers found no association between this level of egg consumption and cardiovascular disease.
However, it turned out that an increase in egg consumption has certain health consequences only for people with type 2 diabetes. It is also important to note that a study conducted in Europe, Asia and the United States confirmed that moderate egg consumption had no negative impact on the heart health of 1.7 million people.
As for the general conclusions, the study confirms the importance of a reasonable approach to egg consumption and taking into account individual characteristics of the body, including metabolism and health.
Earlier, scientists have recognized the danger of weight loss drugs.
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